Kanji character [寿] (Kotobuki) is always used in greeting cards for New Year or any other celebration, for this single character means “Best Wishes” or “Congratulations!” in Japanese. I create new designs for [寿] every year and offer them for free download. For 2017, the year of the bird in the Chinese Zodiac, I made a design with a flying bird.
<Free Postcard Design Template>
New year postcard design with three GDR-Birds.
These brass decor birds (seagulls) are hung on the wall in the 1950s in the GDR. We can find them at flea markets in Berlin. They are always in a set of 3. In my apartment, the biggest one is flying in my work room and then in the bathroom and the balcony.
I did 16 “summer” designs.
“I chose my favorite one, then, what can I buy?” said Elif. This is it. As a made-to-order designer, I have nothing to sell in most cases. (should be more serious about it)
I made acrylic earrings with “sunset” summer design.
Ritterstraße12-14 @ Kreuzberg
I came here to ask Martin (@lasern) for laser cutting. By the way the inside of this brick building complex is very much like the place where hacker Sabine lives in HOMELAND S05! maybe typical Berlin.
He likes the number 3 and the triangle shape and オタオメ!is a short version of “Happy Birthday” in Katakana, Japanese. As a whole it looks like a warning sign?