


2017年 デザイナー年賀状・デザイン素材無料ダウンロード・寿紋

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2017年 デザイナー年賀状・デザイン素材無料ダウンロード・寿紋

[寿] KOTOBUKI – Flying Bird

Kanji character [寿] (Kotobuki) is always used in greeting cards for New Year or any other celebration, for this single character means “Best Wishes” or “Congratulations!” in Japanese. I create new designs for [寿] every year and offer them for free download. For 2017, the year of the bird in the Chinese Zodiac, I made a design with a flying bird.

<Free Postcard Design Template>

Happy New Year card design template - flying birds

New year postcard design with three GDR-Birds.


These brass decor birds (seagulls) are hung on the wall in the 1950s in the GDR. We can find them at flea markets in Berlin. They are always in a set of 3. In my apartment, the biggest one is flying in my work room and then in the bathroom and the balcony.

You can download all these graphics from the following page:
» Go to Free Downloads

アクリルピアス・Acrylic Earrings

laser cutting machine・レーザーマシンアクリルカット

I did 16 “summer” designs.
“I chose my favorite one, then, what can I buy?” said Elif. This is it. As a made-to-order designer, I have nothing to sell in most cases. (should be more serious about it)


Elif with an acrylic earring・ピンクのアクリルカットピアス
Elif with an acrylic earring・ピンクのアクリルカットピアス

I made acrylic earrings with “sunset” summer design.

Obama, Merkel, Putin on the wall. August 2015. ÏMA Loft Apartments: Ritterstraße12-14 @ Kreuzberg
Ritterstraße12-14 @ Kreuzberg

I came here to ask Martin (@lasern) for laser cutting. By the way the inside of this brick building complex is very much like the place where hacker Sabine lives in HOMELAND S05! maybe typical Berlin.


in the studio: acrylic glass Plexiglas samples hanging on the wall・アクリルのサンプル@マーティンのスタジオ

Interestingly enough, there is no pink colored acrylic in Germany. WHY?! I saw Martin’s eyes sparkling as he saw my pink one from Japan.


me with another acrylic earring

Sometimes I’m amazed by the shadow of it.

the shadow of my acrylic earring at Design Museum Holon, Tel Aviv, Israel

Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria

Koprivshtitsa (コプリフシツァ) Bulgaria
Okinawa,Tsuboya pottery street in Naha・沖縄 那覇 壺屋やちむん通り「新垣家」
Death(memorial) notices on the entrance door with a silver bow @Koprivshtitsa (コプリフシツァ) Bulgaria

So, the second photo from the top is of Okinawa (Tsuboya pottery street in Naha).
What a resemblance… Although I couldn’t even pronounce this town’s name, Koprivshtitsa, a picturesque town 110 km from Sofia.


二番目の写真は、沖縄は壺屋のやちむん通り。旅先で「◯◯に似てる」と思ってしまうのは基本的につまらないことだけど、あまりに遠い2つが繋がると 自分の居場所が急に覚束なくなって逆に楽しい。こんな東ヨーロッパの片田舎で沖縄に意識が飛ぶ。と必然的に思い出すのは叶わぬ味、沖縄そばの、、豚骨の効いた濃厚なかつお出汁、、キツィ、、やっぱり旅先で別の場所を思い出すのは禁止。

この村ではあちこちの家のドアに「亡き人」らしき写真とリボンが飾ってあって、それがあまりに多くてうすら寒くなった。後でリサーチした所、これはブルガリアの風習で、故人をずっと忘れないよう、残る家族がいる限り 飾り続けるものらしい。玄関が仏壇のようなものか。(よかった)

A horse was bathing in the river. Behind that, on top of the steel tower, there was a Stork family.@Koprivshtitsa

Stork family@Koprivshtitsa


Sofia, Bulgaria

Central Post Office Sofia・Sofia・ソフィア:古きも新しきも室外機がアクセントな街。
Central Post Office Sofia

AC units always accentuate the buildings.

Follow The Yellow Brick Road - The Wizard of Oz・ソフィアの黄色いレンガの道・黄色いレンガの道をたどって(オズの魔法使い)

- Follow The Yellow Brick Road -
(But they are rather gold, aren’t they? Especially imagine them in the rain.)

old yellow postbox in Sofia・ソフィアの郵便ポスト(古)current yellow postbox in Sofia・ソフィアの郵便ポスト(新)

The Art Foundation Sofia
„Скулптура” на Дона Стоянова
exhibition “Sculpture” Donna Stoyanova @ The Art Foundation

In short, Sofia is a very affordable Berlin (The price there is nearly half of that in Berlin). A city to live in, rather than to make a short visit: safe, “procrastinations”, full of graffiti, remaining tastes of communism, trams, vegan cafes, amazingly kind people despite low rate of English speakers.

They Bulgarians describe themselves as always being late and always procrastinating, from which I got a bit extreme idea: The nature of procrastination might be linked to the nature of tolerance? Procrastinators are those who are tolerant of both themselves and others, and those who are able to accept the current situation?? They have procrastinated to make a brutal decision and saved lots of lives in their long history. And now, there is an unique square in central Sofia, with four close neighbors of different religion. An Islamic mosque is just one block away from a Jewish synagogue. Then a catholic church and an orthodox church. You’re hearing Azaan from every other church. Well then, procrastination is not so much a bad thing…?



porch swing indoors

Hollywoodschaukel zuhause!

ホームセンターで見つけたこれ 直訳すると「ハリウッドブランコ」:正式なドイツ語

Garden swing instead of a sofa!
The German’s one and only name for this is “Hollywoodschaukel”: Hollywood swing. Funny. I love this “floating” feeling of the swing..