
Acrylic Hanko・アクリル印鑑

acrylic stamp・アクリル印鑑

Hanko/Inkan, a Japanese personal seal, made of colorful acrylic. In Japan every individual must have his own Hankos for signing of important or even unimportant documents. “A baby’s personalized Hanko” for “his/her first bank account”… is thus a very popular item among parents.


acrylic stamps・アクリル印鑑1


acrylic stamps・アクリル印鑑・カラーバリエーション(本体10色:ピンク・橙・若草・青・白・紫・黄・茶・黒・赤 ♦ケース12色:ピンク・サーモン・黄・クリーム・藤・若草・グレー・空・紺・黒・ワイン・赤)

» http://onamon.com/hello/goods


◯ Hanko in 10 colors:
pink, orange, light green, blue, white, purple, yellow, brown, black, red

◯ case in 12 colors:
pale pink, light salmon, pastel yellow, cream, lilac, light green,
grey, sky blue, navy blue, black, wine, red

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