

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Noga Gallery

I was always looking for shade.
I was always looking for colorful light-and-shadows.

Beautiful handwritten typography.
Thank that numerals are common between us…

So. Hebrew. From right to left.
It seems very convenient for bilingual designing?!
From left to right. From right to left. It creates rhythm and wave.

(left) Cursive letters VS (right) Print letters.
I try to encourage myself by thinking about the number of Japanese characters I do remember, but it’s a different story.

Nesher, Israel

[dezeen] Nesher Memorial by SO Architecture

No address. All I could find before was, this building is in somewhere, maybe on top of a hill in Nesher. It was such a fun small adventure by bus 77!



32°45’44.5″N 35°02’47.4″E

Haifa, Israel

Night view of the Baha'i Garden on Mt. Carmel in Haifa・ハイファ バハーイー教聖地

Space Invaders on the mountain?
と前夜叫んだそれは 畏れ多くも「バハーイー教聖地(世界遺産)」であった。

Such a holy Place. I had no idea at all before I happened to join this guided tour but, learned a lot. This symmetrical garden represents the core principles of the Bahá’í Faith: “unity and equality”. People tend to stand in the middle and take photos from exactly the same angle.

“Unity and Equality”を象徴するシンメトリーの丘は「真ん中に立ちたい」と思わせる。結果ほぼ全員が同じ構図で写真を撮っている。(Varietyには欠けるのかもしれない。)


DAVID WUNSCH Memorial Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering @ Technion University


Danciger Laboratories by Alfred Neumann and Zvi Hecker @ Technion University


This building looks different from each angle.

Danciger Laboratories by Alfred Neumann and Zvi Hecker @ Technion University
Danciger Laboratories by Alfred Neumann and Zvi Hecker @ Technion University

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management @ Technion University
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management @ Technion University

Should I rotate this to the correct position..? ^^;
The Technion has such interesting buildings.

Fattoush, Haifa
Fattoush, lovely breakfast place next to our hotel

「アニ オヘヴェット シャクシュカ」 = I like Shakshuka.

Budapest, Hungary

一年間の一人旅はこの街で時間切れになり日本へ帰った、あの頃はまだGPSとか当然iPhoneとか何も無くて、カメラも一瞬流行ったAPSフィルム・・・世界で誰も今私がここにいると知らない てかここはどこ?という 2000年代の初めってそんな不安で贅沢な旅が出来る最後の時期だったかも


Budapest in 2001
after having been traveling alone for one year, I went back home from this city. No GPS No iPhone, Nobody in this whole world knew where I was and even I myself was not always sure where I was.. The beginning of 2000s might be the last period to be able to enjoy such a lonely precious journey.

I envy these photos. I shot mostly people. I did see people!

These were taken with an APS (such a short life!) camera.

さて 2015年秋、ブダペスト。


Budapest in 2015
“El Jamon de la Crisis” – inflatable hams

a kind of Onsen. swam among the water lilies. so wide, so deep, so restless, so funny.
Lake Hévíz.

Take a rest.

Now I’m googling “How to achieve a film look”… no no

Marrakech, Morocco

Blood Type A (Japanese myth)

pink NAMON in pink Marrakech. different type of pink.
I’m here.

Where are you?

leave it as it is

A kind of NAMON door

Salaam! (Bye!) サラーム!
*both hello and goodbye